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I’m not above this shameless plug:

I know many are recommending many Indigenous books for folks to support and learn more about the community.

Consider purchasing those books through an Indigenous bookstore such as my own instead of the huge corporation. (Libraries are a great option too!)


#Indigenous #IndigenousPeoplesDay #Books #Reading #AmWriting #Bookstore #Diversity #Native

:artpeek: I usually don't do sales but 1) I just quit my job and 2) I can really use some space. If you ever wanted to have one of my lovely lenticular #pixelart prints, now's the time!

Thanks so much for your support! Shares are super appreciated.

Y'all know I hate advertising, but if there's ever a day where I have to do this, it's today...



Thank you for your support if you're able to buy anything, but please don't sweat it if you can't.

We managed to get the world off of Internet Explorer, and it had the OS maker behind it. We can do it again with Chrome.

Most everyone in the US is off doing thanksgiving things so I'm going to take a nap in effigy of their impending food coma

Annual reminder that Christopher Columbus can fuck right off and indigenous peoples deserve better.

Cherish those you have in your life, and celebrate that instead.

I'm once again seeing an uptick in pictures without alt text. Please try and be more mindful about that. It is really helpful for those of us using text to speech programs, and also others. Thank you. #AltText

Space Shark Doo-Doo-Doo

Shark dude floating in space 🚀

Looking a little tired too, guess he's taking a break from work!

Suit is based off of the hardspace ship breaker videogame, difficult part was dealing with the characters tail, being a shark and all that...

#FurryArt #MastoArt #Commission

Apparently the romance era was big on fairy stuff but a lot of the stuff that survived is just so... bleh, *gallant*

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The wind is howling so eerily now that I've opened the window, it's such a nice sound~

My phone drops down the side of my bed and wakes me up, the first thought I have is "better get my phone and turn on the flashlight to find it"

This is why it's better to have no thoughts at all when you're eepy

I feel like I'm at a weird spot with starting Castle Titania's development back up, where I'm examining the classic horror elements its predecessor drew from and struggling to find any dark fae fantasy classics in the same vein for further inspiration, it's like a vast gulf between the original folklore and modern adaptations

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