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kids these days will never get to experience the expectant excitement of this screen ever in their life. not the tense sound as it reads your disk or the clicky sounds of your harddrive as the game is installed, or the celebratory drive opening as you finish... soulless downloads is all we have left. pour one out for....

I have robots on my mind.
"she may feel cold to the touch. but snuggling against her metal frame sparks me with joy"

I don't know who needs to hear this but

The postal service exists to deliver letters and parcels to people
Not to make money for shareholders

The transport system exists to move people to where they need to go
Not to make money for shareholders

The water, gas, and electricity supplies exist to provide people vital utilities
Not to make money for shareholders

The healthcare system exists to ensure (and that's ENsure, not INsure) the health of the population
Not to make money for shareholders

Shareholders in vital public services are a vampiric drain on those services

Capitalism is a disease

I have had to continue my studies, sign up for a new school year, which has also meant a whole new visa process and paying for paperwork to be filed.

Also, my accommodation is not as stable as I initially thought & now have to leave in two weeks.

I still need help as I have not been able to keep up with the mounting bills.

Thank you so much for sharing and boosting, all the help is greatly appreciated!

#GFM #mutualaid

Managed to get it all set up where I can display a level with sprites!

Now I can do something like this:
But I'm sure there's lots of other cool things I could do with it! Like have some sort of character displayed on the mode 7 layer who rotates and zooms as they interact with you throughout the level?

I like that this is a fancy special kind of level that doesn't require extra overhead everywhere because the game logic has no reason to know or care that the level is being rendered differently.

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femoral sketch 15, for moonbutters, featuring a creature called Summer Selene who seems to have claimed this spot

femoral sketch for girlmeat5557 in which something curious seems to be going on.

uspol, texas, trans + 

protestors stopped the vote on a ban on care for trans kids, for a second time this week!

the legislative session ends may 29. that's a long time but i believe in us :ablobdundundun:

it feels good to share something nice.

I decided to make 16x16px plants to occupy my mind but they were actually so easy that it didn't work.

#PixelArt #MastoArt

Some good reasons to use Subjects / Content Warnings here on the fedi 

It lets people opt-in to reading whatever you're discussing.
It allows people with traumas and triggers time to reflect before opening something.
You can use them to set up joke punchlines.
Instead of putting "🧵 2/??" or whatever at the bottom of your posts, you can put the post number in the subject field instead and it makes your thread easier to navigate.
Collapsed posts take up way less space on the timeline, making it easier to navigate.
People will still read your posts (I promise okay?), and opting in to reading something is more meaningful than being forced to read it anyway.
Subjects / Content Warnings are well supported across pretty much all fedi software.

Please add Subject / CW to your posts!

Chuck Tingle has written and is giving away a book about the WGA strike which contains information on how to support the strikers and why they're striking.


Mermay Day 2 - Upside down

Ink - Fanyantan 2021 ink Xin Chou 辛丑

It is not just a greyish-green - when added to water the greens, purples and yellows are absolutely amazing 👌

Potentate watercolor paper 100% cotton hot press

#art #ink #fountainpenink #fanyantanstudio #mermay #mermay2023 #mermayday2

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