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I see a lot of talk about tagging things for people with screen readers and I want to try using a screen reader.
What's a good one?

Saucy Language 

Doug Ford can eat my entire ass.

A lot of Mastodon instance admins are either getting their first hosting bill or getting a very increased bill from extreme growth and usage. Some may be experiencing bill shock.

Please make sure your paying/supporting them!

Twitter was free because you were the product. Mastodon doesn't work this way.

Many instances list a patreon or donation links on their about page.

As I understand it, it’s #BlackFriday so… here. I’m Black, it’s Friday, no Rebecca.



The NaNoWriMo site has removed Inkitt from their "winner goodies" page. The mods apologized and un-silenced OP. Link to birdsite update:

Since my home feed on Mastodon is all pixelated (ok, not all, I probably will ask some artist like @ArcanePigeon for help one day 🙈) and with VGA fonts, I almost missed the fact that so is Google's logo today.

Google is celebrating what would today be #JerryLawson's 82nd birthday. The Black Enterprise magazine dubbed him "the father of the video game #cartridge" in 1982!

The women behind ENIAC 

"Eckert and Mauchly promised the U.S. Army that the ENIAC could calculate artillery trajectories in seconds rather than the hours it took to do the calculations by hand. But after they built the 2.5-meter-tall by 24-meter-long computer, they couldn’t get it to work. Out of approximately 100 human computers working for the U.S. Army during World War II, six women were chosen to write a program for the computer to run differential calculus equations. It was hard because the program was complex, memory was very limited, and the direct programming interface that connected the programmers to the ENIAC was hard to use. But the women succeeded. The trajectory program was a great success. But Bartik, McNulty, Meltzer, Snyder, Spence, and Teitelbaum’s contributions to the technology were never recognized. Leading technologists and the public never knew of their work."

Hey trans Berlin masto, I’m told there’s an endocrinologist around Kreuzberg that works with trans folks. My doc wants me to see them but doesn’t remember who they are, anyone know?

"The fediverse needs critical mass to survive!"

I've been here since 2017. Sometimes it's been a quiet place. Sometimes it's fast-paced. But it's had enough critical mass for survival for a long while.

Now what it needs it to become a _better_ place, not bigger.

Safer, nicer, friendlier, more welcoming to those at risk. A hasty push for more "critical mass" is likely to make these communities more aggressive, less forgiving, and less sustainable in the long term.

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No this is not Unreal Engine nor Unity but #Godot! Great to see more and more videos showing off the visual capabilities of the engine.

Hey! In case you didn't know, I have original art, prints, bookmarks.. available here:

Art is my sole source of income and I've been struggling to make ends meet, so any sale and boosts would be appreciated! Thanks 💙

#FediGiftShop #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtForSale

I just released NEXXT 0.19.0.

Its main new feature is a revamped "swap colours" tool that's both much more easy to use, thanks to the simple preview toggle, and more versatile. Also some bugfixes and included assets.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.