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r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

The place I most commonly apply this is picking a hard deadline for information when making a go/no-go decision on plans. E.g. "ok, if I don't hear back from Jimothy by 19:00, I'm gonna say we're not meeting up. Anything until then, I'm still open to it."

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Something I think a lot about: in aviation, if you're landing through fog (or whatever), the standard practice is to pick ahead of time a hard limit for the altitude at which you'll do a go-around. If you don't see the runway by the time that altitude is reached, you abort the landing attempt -- no questions.

Because otherwise folks tend to keep going "I'll just give it another few seconds..." until they're way too low for safety.

This type of protocol is very, very generalizable to everyday life, and can make decision-making a lot easier.

help a trans poc community member!

This member of the Boston community (name not shared for safety) is one of the most selfless people you could ever meet. We as their friends and community members are raising as much money as possible for them so they can focus on studying for and taking the GED, afford their hormone treatments, pay their rent, and continue their mutual aid efforts.

Life doesn’t end at 23. 30 isn’t old. Fetishising youth as the ultimate desirable characteristic in a person is actively harmful to both young and old people. Some of us lost our teenage years to abuse and recovery, and can only begin living when we’re at a different life stage.

covid psa 

Delta variant's doing numbers

Stay vigilant, even if you're vaccinated

Listening to Akiko Shikata is giving me feelings aaaa


Change of plans, the weather's dreadful and I don't wanna order $20 of food for delivery, so I made tuna melts instead

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I crave b e e f

should I get some from the local takeout place or no...?

lmao the FAA changed the legal definition of "astronaut" specifically to exclude jeff bezos and the other guy

Do you like glitter, but hate microplastics and object to the use of non-renewable resources?

Good news: Plant-based glitter exists. Here's one supplier I just found with a quick search-engine dive:

Domain Block

Edgelord, Soapbox-using paedo, can get in the fucking sea until they're at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.


Working on potential pin designs!
I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to have them made and sell them though.

Job posting valid as of 23 July 2021:
Customer communications manager, healthcare IT company, based in Nashville but remote-first. DM me for details.

If you're in the #Houston area, the Houston Computer Museum is liquidating its entire collection, mostly pre-2000 machines: Selected images of available items attached. #retrocomputing

crypto is short for "cryptography"

if you want a shorter word for "cryptocurrency", the word you are looking for is "ponzi"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.