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I never realized it until now where I moved my laptop downstairs so I can spin down and disassemble my desktop setup, but my roommate's TV has like no bass

Update: I have no self control but the caps are fried so I haggled it down

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Plush ec 

Big luna has detected a cutie reading this post

Adol has a much greater precedent of shipwrecking on mysterious islands over Link, I think he'd be the one to wake up the wind fish

Shindanmaker, no caption

I got a discount christmas kinder egg pack and got this absolutely adorable raptor, this is now one of the most important things in my life for the next 12 hours

My little micro moth babies fluttered all the way here in time for christmas!

getting somewhere with this, maybe I can use this to figure out what kind of readings I should expect from interfacing it with the arduino...

Yes, that is a pin-accurate representation of the chip. Yes, those are resistors, not diodes. Yes, I want to cry.

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Food, not vegan 

Pizza attempt no. 2! Much better this time around, I avoided overworking the dough and was less stingy with the sauce

Food, not vegan 

I made homemade pizza! I've been craving pizza a lot so I decided to take matters into my own hands

The one time I post anything that warrants a transformation cw 

Talking about Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, and listening to the associated album by Akiko Shikata, I was possessed with the urge to try adopting some of Sayaka Oda's stylings

Headcanon is that the descendants of the titular characters became that setting's first werewolves


Tofu curry made for my darling @SophicLeech and me <3 she helped with the potatoes

Bug Fables OC char sheet, ec, bug (moth) 

Today I present Elfi as a Bug Fables OC! Occupation: perennial nuisance

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