If I'm going to get back into for real I'm probably going to need a more full-featured code editor than pluma... Any recommendations?

@elfi depending on what exactly you're doing, visual studio might be good

i've been using it with monogame, which is mildly annoying to get started (the only way i know of to get a monogame template w/ the latest version of it is to run an obscure command i found in a forum thread)

when you're using like a bunch of libraries, it can be a pain to get them set up b/c there's a lot of fussing around with like include paths and stuff

also it's only windows i'm p sure

the main thing i like about it is that it's the easiest way to debug things, for me at least. like, better software exists probably, but it's either harder to learn or costs money


@aoife Ahh, I'm on Linux so that's out of the question, I'm afraid =w=a Sorry, I should've specified

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@elfi @aoife VS:Code is pretty good and my personal choice for golang editing, I know if you want the classic bloated IDE experience (which might be like, necessary if you want to use c# or java) then you'll probably want to consider intelliJ suite of IDEs, but if you want to don't want to buy an editor then the choices are basically Eclipse or Netbeans.

Ofc theres always learning vim, i prefer neovim and use it for scripting and small edits.

I guess it really depends on your wants and needs as a game dev and what you're exactly using/writing in?
@elfi @aoife if you dont want to buy an IDE your choices for fat IDEs are eclipse and netbeans*

@oct2pus ooh i've never heard of neovim, i've been frustrated with regular old vim and i feel like you just opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me >;3c

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