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hi, that depression study i tooted a while ago was probably retracted. sorry!

@elilla hi do you have the link to the post where you talk about your multi-tiered approach to bags when traveling w passports etc? thx (:

can they please put laufey and @robinsyl into one person pleaspeleaplse 🥺

song has been made (( demo .maybe i'll leave it at that ))

test post that will be boosted right after

twitter x-post ((contents, normative person levels of grammar 

[x-post @erikphoel@twitter]

They buried the lede on this new study. It's not that exercise beats out SSRIs for depression treatment, but that *just* dancing has the largest effect of *any treatment* for depression.

That's kind of beautiful.


you know you can ask for details right

hi boosting from cohost, if someone from boston can help or find help for this creature escaping their house :boostsPorFavor:

hey ! can someone recommend me a raspi-like with a nvme slot ? runs nixos and has a few cores maybe a rockchip

thunderbird opens a little browser window for oauth2 and since its the browser it just checks when the browser is redirecting to the redirect uri and uses that instead of listening on localhost. but if you already have somethin on https ://localhost then it fails to get this redirect caught because its an error? and then it doesnt work. if you stop listening on ssl localhost it works.

@mozilla pls fix

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