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mei 🌒& boosted

A solar powered, e-ink bus stop sign with real-time bus times. This is a very good combination of neat technologies.

mei 🌒& boosted

Mom said it's *my* turn in the critical section!

mei 🌒& boosted

trans, dealing with excessive need for validation 

some personal experience… when you’re trans, you tend to need a lot of validation, especially if you’ve internalized a lot of transphobia or you just have a case of the brainworms

but don’t aim for compliments like “you’re so cute/pretty/hot” or “wow nice transition timeline”. don’t make it about your body because you’re stuck with it, for better or worse. you
know it doesn’t define you as a person, and focusing on it will only feed the brainworms. it’ll make you anxious and horribly self-conscious about your transness whenever you meet other people. do you pass? are you making people uncomfortable? are they talking behind your back?

instead, aim for “you’re such a good friend and i love having you around”, “i barely even remember what you used to be like but this really suits you”, “it’s like you radiate joy”, etc.
be proud of yourself for who you are, and show others the wonderful and unique person you’ve kept inside for so long.

let them appreciate you for
who you are, not what you are. don’t let your battle with gender incongruence define you.

mei 🌒& boosted


i know u understand
i cant leave u alone
i gave u my time
u cant pick up the phone
life is so tragic huh
it wont live me alone
try not to be obsessive
im a messed up girl i know (i know, i
know) ∞x

mei 🌒& boosted

"oh but when the archeologists find your bones–"

WRONG! the archeologist who finds my bones will be a communist catgirl living in a post-gender anarchist utopia, and fae will not give a flying fuck about the fact that i had my bones dyed with the trans pride colors in a controversial and risky surgical procedure


creatures here know about the thonkpad hardware maintenance manuals right?
so good (my lappy)
if youre on a slow machine +pdfjs/firefox you can see the diagram of the insides of the computer load.. not just one image!! u can see it assembling itself almost as the page loads..

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

computer UI trivia question for our amusement: y'all know those computer prompts which have "(Y/N)" at the end, and want you to type one of those two letters?

(guessing this'll be weighted *heavily* towards the top, given fediverse, but I think it's still amusing to ask.)

(boosts okay but not remotely necessary.)

mei 🌒& boosted

My spouse claims (statistically correctly) that not everyone has seen this meme, and given how often I repeat it to myself (out of order, admittedly), I am here to help. This is from a veterinary training guide.

mei 🌒& boosted


hot ethanol vapors in your area, run now!

mei 🌒& boosted
name a more iconic duo than long distance lesbian polyamory & heuristic solutions to the travelling salesman problem
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mei 🌒& boosted

rant, shitty writing styles, subpost, vent, caps, :boosts_ok_gay:​ 

i hate the "you are not $x. you are not $y." format
first, i get to decide what i am. stop telling me.
and second, if i agree with you, i'm going to feel shit because saying that makes me consider "but what if i *am* $x and $y and i'm terrible" even if they're things i'm not

please JUST STOP doing it. its SO bad. pleeeeeeaseeee

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

She’s seen me nibble on this pen too many times, apparently she wanted to try it for herself

mei 🌒& boosted
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