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sociale pixie town


i'm just thinking about all the ridiculous amount of things im hosting and how the fuck any of it works


they hsould make it so i can murder all the hair by flicking a finger and chanting something

:ddg: how to transport homo sapiens vessel to sleeping rack

no 🦆 results 

🦆 vertically flipped rainy fire

cat (smol)+ 

using my cat as a backrest is so lovely when she permits~

i can feel her breathing and purring and have to sit properly so she's comfy too ❤️

misread, OH, idk, wack 

*unsits your chair*

dream ~~???, long, it's wacky 

some irl twitch streamer shouting at the camera walking on some street, walking on a 4-lane road, just one brown truck, gets in front of it, kicks the front bumper, driver gets out, hands the key, "oh yeah, you have some time until the next inspection".

streamer gets in, waifu goes out of the passenger seat, revs out the engine, it explodes, exits through the other door

- twitch stream continues -

a friend does a talk at a tech conf introducing their new tulpa, some eboy. eboy gets in the room and we make ec and they're very boy. dang..

- we wake up eventually -

programming question, searching for a gui lib, long 

hm, one of my projects is needing a GUI library but I'm not sure how I want to do it
have iterated over all the ones I know and none of them fulfill the requirements
the best option so far has been a SNES controller and a crappy composite video signal with some line draws etc
it's very memorable but still allowed for any graphics
like the button mash sequences were responsive and easy to get muscle memory for

that was running on a little esp32 connected to a tv but the i2c peripheral was too quirky and i couldn't get composite and audio working at the same time, so i think i'd like to run the next version on a linux box, but that calls for order of magnitude more complexity (xlib, create window, unicode, etc..)

are there any keyboard-only gui libs that let you build up muscle memory for their programs quickly without being jailed to a terminal? i just want a framebuffer and some helpers for drawing some shapes, maybe a little keybind mechanism, but in rust since the thing i wanna make needs that. vaguely like in some aspects. recs?

the toots are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied … 

i think the las tfew toots we made kinda suck


went to roof and climbed ladder but theres a bunch of clouds so i didn't get to see any stars ):

reading someones profile and saying… 

you're andrew

you're andro

i think they should let me eat unicode codepoints for a living


cat is so rude she Just Stepped on the Piano Power switch while i was playing omg this is so coocl i just rea dyour name somewhere and i actually pronounced it correctly


me: "uh i can't find any long calm music"
mom: "but you can !!"
mom: "soo, are you going to school tomorrow? and the dentist? and the school meeting?"

what the actual fuck how the fuck do you think that is fucking reasonable response to trying to CALM myself and RELAX

@specter do you have a favorite note? i've been obsessed with F# the last few months for some reason

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