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waiting to have existed for an arbitrary government-imposed amount of time so i can interact with lewd accounts without people getting upset-

gotta love it when the fridge starts beeping at me,, does it like,, wanna go out?

mei 🌒& boosted

"guys and gals".. no.. how about "my fellow gays"

felt cute, slept [almost] the entire day

mei 🌒& boosted

lewd, stupid, why 

"only problem is i dont want cum on the led strip"


cookie MUST be referred to as per ISO 3166-1

subtoot (hi) 

never thought i'd see a lewd-cwd post from that person . :blobcat:

saying hello to the cockroach then going to fedi to write about it

working on stage freight in front of your cat

mei 🌒& boosted

programming while naming all your variables as drugs hrt%


baby cmere its time to watch more military propaganda

so you're telling me you have a "jack" in your headphones? hello new mutual.

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