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hey! I've found myself in london till morning of 21st. what should I do? cool queer places? wanna sit for a coffee shop chat?

(going north after that)


two dolls 

two dolls with rusting gears bullet holes tearing skin apart flesh exposed gears turning creaking writhing against entropy for an hour more until repair. two dolls kissing two dolls always apart but never alone two dolls meowing even when there is only a minute left and the witch looks awfully far away, two dolls just being. two dolls in a very green and sunny storm

tailscale on ur washing machine
tailscale in ur rgbw sk6812 nRF52832 shower head

@elilla this made me start reading her previous(?) book & it is LOVELY. shared with a few friends

a taxonomy 

generally vaguely,
text is ~ infodense ~
voice/irl is emotion-dense


recently we hav been meowing happily in . one big purr :: celestial shard :: a thousand shards :: liquid me

physics, anc 

how the heck does anc work?? i know the basic theory but 1cm at 343m/s (wp: speed of air in sound) is 29.15µs that's SO little.. hey have you tried any of these yet? my precious tube (bought in bulk at the time) is out :blobcat:

If an insect is placed on a surface and continually walks "forward", by definition it will trace out a geodesic.

just made up a new reassociation technique (may be headache inducing) 

focus from center of ur vision, start making arcing spirals outwards, slowly getting larger and larger, noticing all the objects you can see inside the current arc, generally starting from smaller things & moving outwards to more of u & mayb a bit of ur body if its in view

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