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re: Affectionposting 

@gwenprime huh i still get that like a year later :D

federated tl 

@selfisekai yea . yup , eventually added an entry in `~/.config/mimeapps.list`

Uh-huh, listen, boy,
My first lesson is,

@skye fwiw hardware can be very obscure too once you get there, there's So Much there, maybe even more than software

i do get the appeal of wanting to run down artificial constraints, i've done it a few times, even successfully a few times finding a bug pretty deep in. i have also spent many many hours reading absurdly long datasheets searching for a bit of information that i don't quite understand and that's not really fun either

i'm glad you're enjoying it tho :3 i suppose what i'm trying to say is finding out the answer is "it is possible, but requires a lot of resources and spoons and cooperation" makes everything seem more flat

@skye heh on my system there's a few files with core voltages that i could just write to after disabling some safeties and it'd probably get bricked

it's fun to dabble when you have enough spoons to not budget your dabbling

@skye another thing i haven't seen mentioned is there's no consistent boot environment or initial flashing mechanism. arm has uefi but a lot of android devices just kinda use whatever they're given

gpl compliance is a) "email the manufacturer and hope they poop something decent out" and then b) adapt their hacked up kernel to something that linux's usual facilities can handle, there can be a lot of scary work getting e.g. battery charging to work without the proprietary android shit, if you find yourself with a novel enough device/feature/chip you can end up misconfiguring a voltage regulator and killing some of the phone (though i haven't seen that happen personally) which is pretty discouraging

oh also the tooling tends to be shit and you can't get datasheets for a lot of things etccetc

@skye @x4nw probably too late now, but you can add `--depth=1` to the clone to not download the entire project history, i think it's `git fetch --unshallow` if you want to look there later

@elilla rock[pro]64 nixos support looks quite immature

alem interspersed with isomorph. is so good!! awawawawawa

glove80 assembled! got the switches-not-soldered option and replaced the switches and soldered all of them. it works!

we also had to improvise and use some nanotape to protect the fcc cables from nearby sharp solder joints/pins but !! it is okay! it works (: and it should be fine for now. hopefully we'll still have the will to open it back up to properly cut them when we have a good tool for that

@x4nw i'd be content paying up to like 18.3 USD (// 70 ILS) for one that actually Lasts 7-10 years or somethin but yea
i dont see it on my [local digikey]( tho so i guess i'll settle for a bunch of the aliexpress ones :pp

ty anyway tho! fyi i actually thought 'plier' was its own thing until Today when i read it in some manual that felt authoritative

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