
the world is beautiful, it's full of wonder, full of incredible things to see and experience
it's a shame we're one of the last ones who will be able to do that

re: :( 

but I still keep some hope that things will change for the better, the world will recover, the endless destruction will stop and people will learn
it's naive, but you have to hold onto something

youtube link, more optimistic, re: :( 

@elsie i really recommend this: youtube.com/watch?v=DalnJ-isI5 - the world isn't ending, it's getting squeezed down, is in a period of decline. we won't have the privilege of an explosive sudden ending, rather everything just goes on// the good and the bad.

take care juno <3

re: youtube link, more optimistic, re: :( 

@ckie I do realize that, that's exactly how I see it, the thing is, we are one of the last generations to see the world how it is now
what I'm sad about is that the world is kind of fading, that not everyone will be able to experience some of its wonders, that it has so much potential that is being wasted,
I'm mourning a world that could have been and never was
it's just one of those nights

re: youtube link, more optimistic, re: :( 

@elsie yeah

one of those nights a bit here too now.. i was wondering if maybe you already got it. it's really not weird to be this honest. to be living after the end of the book.

in popular culture i think *three body problem* nailed it,, - this kind of blind pessimism most of us implicitly hold from trying to shield what we do have, and leaving those very remaining things bare in the process..

i guess i just look back at the past most nights though.

i wanna analyze three body problem more it seems so tastefully written at a distance

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re: youtube link, more optimistic, re: :( 

@elsie hey, take care <3

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