You have been visited by the Trans Pride Dragon! All trans people who see it gain +10 draconic protection
Hey, I made a "rules light" TTRPG named Kobolds In Space! (With a lot of help from my friends, mind you!)
I've also made a couple collections of 5e compatible magical items, complete with write-ups by Mox the Kobold Paladin!
The best part is, they're free! (Or $2, or pay-what-you-want, whatever.)
You can get them all here:
18+, No Minors
25 y/o
A non-binary Vampiric Dryad! My name is Annalise, Nice to meet you!
I play games and be lesbians on the internet. Fan of the Ar Tonelico series.
Writer and Conlang enthusiast. Vtuber
May be NSFW rarely
Icon Artist: @frogbiansVEVO on Birdsite, Frogbians on tumblr,