aaaaaaaa, it's us and a maple morb! a gift from our partner @AgiDine

I am squeeiiiing

artist is @frogbiansVEVO on birdsite

Eye Contact, drawing of our sona! 

Aaaaa our polycule got us a birthday gift of this image, aaaaa we love it, it's us! We look so cute and we're stimming, we do that hand shaking thing, aaaa!

Artist is @Lanakuma on Twitter

Endwalker possible Spoilers, Fisher Action funny 

This is the funniest thing I've read all week

majora's mask meme, affection 

I am going to smooch my wife @elfi there is no escape.

Monster Hunter GU, happiness, solo hunting 

that's all of them now infact

Show thread

Monster Hunter GU, happiness, solo hunting 

aaaaaaa I did it, idk how I did a 4 person quest solo but I did it!

It happened, we finally have our shared Sona drawn. A very good Leech girl, we are.

🎨 Atrist is @slut4blood on twitter.

EC, Sergal, FA link 

I've found a Base I like so much more, It's Me v0.5

Eye contact, No bits nude drawing 

It's me, shark extraordinaire.


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