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your robot gf responded to you getting a cat by adopting a pet roomba

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Please boost this fundraiser for a loved one returning home soon from state captivity!

there are three things that will get me moving through the day:

coffee, smooches from @SophicLeech, and lämp

Eye contact, No bits nude drawing 

It's me, shark extraordinaire.

With my roommate's surface, a CSP key from @SophicLeech, and a couple of minutes, I am now a master artist. Commission prices start at 1200 lumens.

I was thinking of moonlighting as a shark girl. I proceeded to be immediately found out, without any prompt, and encouraged to be one by a shark girl. Shark senses are real.

kobold content 

a tiny kobold sneaks up on a sleeping dragon's lair, treading carefully through the hoard, clearly with the intent of steali- oh

nevermind, they just give the dragon a very small peck on the cheek and then leave just as stealthily for some reason

enbies just want one thing and it's fucking disgusting 


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