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The ninth annual international Gender Census 2022 is now open until 13th August 2022!

It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.

things dont suck as much as social media makes u think they do. the world is good and there are beautiful places protected by beautiful people whose infinite grace extends through you, innate to your being. there is a future worth fighting for and it is beautiful and it is bright and it is within our grasp

begpost, please boost 

I'm still in a bad situation at home and need all the help I can to get out, but until then I need help paying for food, outstanding bills, gas money for being able to escape the orbit of this place i'm stuck in, anything.

Venmo: @GayDragonGirl

Fairies riding big moths around in the night

And then getting mutually attracted to lämp

@sharkNserg Taurs live in the head

This is especially true if one of your headmates is a Taur

Hey I found an open source menstrual cycle tracking app called Drip that doesn't call home to anyone and encrypts your data on your device. It's gender inclusive and it has a prebuilt version Android that you can get either on F-Droid or on their site here:

They have an iOS version but it's not pre compiled. I'll be working on that today so you can get loaded onto your Apple devices, along with the instructions to install it on said Apple device.

Please boost so others can see this!


Once you find out what the recent US Supreme Court Decisions are, it is _mandatory_ that you use appropriate Content Warnings when discussing them on

I'm sure everyone would appreciate if you use them on other instances as well.

Me, chatting up an angle girl.
"Well, aren't you acute one"

it's not always possible to fix all sources of burnout but you need to identify them and you need to stop hurting yourself over them. i cannot stress this enough: it's a debuff, not a failing. it's not *you*, it's a thing that is *happening* to you.

I know people who up until recently didn't know rosy maple moths actually existed

It must be sad to not know these bright bundles of fluff are out there

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kink mention, preg, passing as a woman 

we have clocked in to several people we've talked to as a woman now!

a 6+ month pregnant woman. This is incredibly.. something? due to us having a pregnancy kink <<;

me: *flutters up onstage, hovers really close to mic as big as me* moths

crowd: uproarious cheers and screaming, sending me flying from the shockwave

homophobia, important 

Please keep an eye out for people trying to brand monkeypox as a "gay disease", explicit or otherwise, and push back hard and early!

I've already started seeing the same kind of "the damn gays fucking everywhere" rhetoric that also popped up during the first years of the AIDS epidemic in the US. That rhetoric was directly responsible for (tens of?) thousands of deaths.

We absolutely *cannot* afford to let homophobes gain control over the public narrative around monkeypox, and let them use it to once again kill queer folks by denying them crucially important healthcare. :boosts_ok_gay:

You can rotate a lootbug in your mind all you want and DRG management can't stop you

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.