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You don’t go to mastodon to build a brand, you go there to talk to people in communities similar to your own.

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Seems like there might be an other exodus on to here. Problem is people are going to exodus here expecting to get Twitter and *wanting* Twitter.

But the fediverse is more like forums in the old days, specific smaller communities, just with the added bonus where you can crosstalk across communities.

I both use Twitter and mastodon, mastodon when I just want to look at what a few friends who are on here are up to. And Twitter for everything else.

Upside of Twitter is both it’s downside in that *everyone* is on it and it’s a somewhat necessary platform as a creator to advertise what you do so that it reaches a bigger audience. The fediverse is the opposite of that.

Will kind of suck for me if Twitter goes to shit. As it’s through it that I’m not like, stuck in unemployment and because of it that I can see some sense of success with Inochi2D.

im gay, also trying that official mastodon app thing instead of mast, runs pretty well

Today I announced a VTuber group I’ve started and it went pretty well uwu

Today's coding session has resulted in me adding 3 blending modes to Inochi2D, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge and Screen =w=

Visible here is Linear Dodge.

I commissioned いろは ( to draw a chibi version of Inochi2D's mascot.

Which I have now integrated in to Inochi Creator, with a cute little slow bopping animation to boot 🦊 🔧

Oh, and the Japanese translation you might see a bit of is provided by Okuri Sae (

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I commissioned いろは ( to draw a chibi version of Inochi2D's mascot.

Which I have now integrated in to Inochi Creator, with a cute little slow bopping animation to boot 🦊 🔧

Oh yeah, since it's been a while since I've talked here. Hey, I'm Luna. I'm a software developing foxgirl and a VTuber, who makes game engines and VTuber Software.

My current project is an open source (BSD 2-clause) 2D animation suite that allows animating PSD files in real-time. Mostly for VTuber use (but could be useful for games, like visual novels as well)

With Ada, this foxgirl, being the project's mascot. Ada is designed by uwu

I forgot you can't change your handle on the fediverse cus activitypub apparently doesn't support that.

Guess I can't make my handle match my twitter handle lol

That or switch language mid sentence without noticing

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Any multilingual moots sometimes just speak with friends for a while, then sounding like they understand you to then realise by the end that you’re speaking a language they don’t know?
I do that one often

I use this a lot less than I should lol

I’m still as alive and gay as ever btw

I've been making a bit of music again, just finished this trance track today. It's under a creative commons license for anyone needing some trance music for w/e reason

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.