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Instead of master/slave terminology why don't we just do dom/sub?

(sorry not sorry for leaving this cursed thought on your timeline)

NSFW, lewd yuri 

why can't there be cute and slightly lewd yuri that isn't some fucked up relation like that x.x

At least, it seems pretty hard to find non messed-up stuff on twitter.

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NSFW, lewd yuri 

Apparently some ecchi I had liked on twitter was incest yuri. First found out after people in the replies called it "sisterly yuri", at which point I went through and removed all the likes and replies I had left.

Whyyyyyy :u

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tfw you find out that something you found cute was not as cute as it looked on the surface.

btw my foxgirl game has a birdsite account

There won't be a fediverse account for the time being as most fediverse folks don't really like advertising n stuff xP

Mildly lewd foxgirl art 

Since I shared it on birdsite. Here's my new avatar.
Drawn by btw I have a discord server where I occasionally post dev/prototype builds of the game. uwu

She's lesbian btw. It's a yuri foxgirl metroidvania.

And not one of those kinds of yuri where it's vague af.
this foxgirl (Lumi) will end up being her gf. owo

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She's lesbian btw. It's a yuri foxgirl metroidvania.

And not one of those kinds of yuri where it's vague af.
this foxgirl (Lumi) will end up being her gf. owo

Show thread Though uhhh, I don't do micro transactions so I'm playing kinda slowly.

Show thread oh hey you play Arknights too?

I'm Luna#3915 uwu

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