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Taking a break from twitter, so heyo here I am. Will be more active here for a while.

Remember to drink water

Apparently there’s people posting kpop fan cams that cut in to really bad irl gore on Birdsite rn? So if you birdsite I highly recommend turning off auto play...

13 days till I turn 20, aka get thanos snapped and turn to dust

Yes I just lesbian + foxgirl shitposted at the same time.

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World hard and cold, foxgirls fluffy, warm and soft =w=

Reminder that I brought this cursed thing to existence.

Fear me uwu

The 4 FOSS Freedoms be like:
* You are free to download the app
* You are free to install the app on all the machines you want
* You are free to inspect the source code, but you can't do anything with it because the docs are probably shite
* You are free to modify/redistribute the program, but if you don't have the blessing of the gatekeepers they'll make your life miserable

Let's all just forget the GPL and move to Boost and BSD based licenses, tbh.

Love Me for Who I Am/Fukaboku is a really good manga about LGBT+ experiences tbh. I highly recommend giving it a read.
Decided to support the creator on pixivFANBOX while I was at it.

The manga is about a non-binary person called Mogumo who makes friends working in a café with LGBT coworkers.

I can mostly relate with Mei, the binary trans woman in it.

MangaDex (warning people a rly transphobic there):

Oh yeah if anyone here I follow uses discord whom wants me to add them feel free to leave your discord tag in the replies to this post

I swear I'm not addicted to foxgirls!
*Reads manga mostly about foxgirls, sometimes gay foxgirls*
*Just commissioned an artist for 140 USD to draw foxgirl*
*Is obviously actually addicted to foxgirls if you check my twitter page*
*Is making gay foxgirl game*
I swear!

I might or might not have taught a Japanese guy the way of the uwu

Update: I still suck at japanese grammar, apparently "おっぱいが痛い" is more correct lol

trans mood, but in japanese.
(痛いおっぱい, which means "sore breasts" in Japanese)

I accidentally hit myself in the boob, hurts like heck ;~;

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