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So, today is the first day I've worn a bra.
The happiness got a little overwhelming and now I'm crying haha.

Would you smooch a foxgirl?

I caved in, there's now a foxgirl shaped hole in my bank account.

Tho Comiket is p expensive to go to so rip me

Lewd yuri manga 

Which I welcome, I'm tired of loli crap

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Lewd yuri manga 

Surprisingly none of the stories were like, messed up like I usually find a few are in anthology manga.
I guess the alcohol theme made everybody play it safe and make everybody adults (20+) so.

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Lewd yuri manga 

I read a yuri anthology manga yesterday (about alcohol).
Started out with cute stories, rest was essentially hentai.

Last story was some girls that got so wasted that they had a threesome but only one of them remembered it, at the end they decided that they wanted to do it again lmao.

It's my birthday in 3 hours-ish
I'm already in my midlife crisis tho

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