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Writing stuff, generally sad & pessimistic. 

There is no peace. There is no justice. There is no hope. There is no light. There is no hero. There is no happy end. There is only a broken world, left at the end of everything. A broken world where all life was drained by those who broke it. The momunments to their accomplishments still stand as the ash falls from the sky. A reminder to the dead souls of the planet, a reminder of who killed them, of what killed them. For profit. For power. For prestige. These monuments stand tall on the dead world. Against the scorched winds and ash, the acidic rains and toxic clouds, they stand. They stand, strong and proud of the world they made, wishing only they had the chance to do it all over again.

"The Vietnamese beat France and the US because they made them fight wars in ways that maximized Vietnamese strengths and minimized their weaknesses. They didn't have tanks, so they wouldn't fight them in places where tanks could operate. They didn't have an airforce at first (by the end of the war they had a pretty kickass airforce), so they came up with new, more effective ways to use "obsolete" anti-aircraft guns that had been left behind by the Japanese and built operations centers the size of small cities underground. They were lead by highly educated intellectuals who had studied in France and were well aware of their enemies customs, cultures, and ways of fighting wars and by veterans the struggle against Japan (often these were the same people). They built international alliances while under seige and managed to ship heavy equipment and literal tons of supplies past enemy patrols and safe guard it from the most intense bombing campaign in history.

I kinda really hate the "lol rice farmers with guns" bit, because it makes a decades long anti-colonial struggle that cost millions of lives sound like something any yahoo and his drinking buddies could pull off." - from a comrade

Weird writing guff, also probably gore ig. Just something I typed out as I thought it, tiny edits but mostly just as it came out. 

When the crystal moon rises on the horizon over the reddened seas, the glow of the waves refracting against the celestial body like a mirror, those who hunt come out from their domiciles. Their sleek elegance and flowing outfirs betrayed by the dried blood on their pale skin and their bared fangs. They roam the ashen lands for prey, the red iron seas reflecting its light into the sky through the prismatic moon above, shining the entirety of the land with a blood red sky. It is not long before prey is found, caught, and obliterated.
Torn limb from limb as the sharp teeth or the predators tear into them, the spattering of blood against their faux elegance showing their true feral nature. To consume, to destroy, to revel in these things both. Beings of both pure animalistic violence and intentional malicious cruelty. The lands when bathed in the bloodlight of the crystal moon are ravaged by these predators, with no recourse or intervention. In these lands, to survive to the next day is a miracle, one rarely repeated. One wonders, then, what happens when the predators run out of prey?
In these ashen lands that the predators brought ruin to through their own acts, the sky as bloody as their conquest, when the last drop of blood is spilled and the last cup emptied, what will become of them? These creatures of death cannot die, yet neither can they persist, so they become husks. Husks of their former selves, roaming the lands they once ruled for eternity, both holding onto their memories of the past and themselves a memory of it. In the ruins of this ashen world, any unfortunate soul that stapped into it would be ravaged by those hungry forgotten husks, those old powers waiting for their chance to strike at a new meal, ever-hungry, ever-gluttonous. They will never be satisfied until the land is picked clean, and the lands continue to be picked clean as new growth breaks the odds. And yet, they always wish for more. Never enough, never ending, eternal consumption, eternal violation, the world shall belong to them for eternity, and all that lives on it shall be their rightful meal.

I think a lot of problems would be solved if everyone decided to be a catgirl

Weird ramblings, unhealthy thoughts, idk 

There's so many things, too many things, an absurd amount of things, things we'll never see, things we'll never do, things never encountered, things never discovered. The universe is full of stuff and yet it's so massively boring. The cosmic scale is too vast to comprehend, the atomic scale is too miniscule to comprehend, basic reality is barely able to be contained, and even then its just surface level. The world is a fucked place with fucked people on it. We're all just existing and barely surviving for whatever reason and it's fucked. I don't get it, I don't get it, I don't get it. Everything is fucked. Things can and should be better, but they aren't yet, and that's fucked. What can I do about it though? I'm a shitter who barely knows what she's doing on a good day, and nonfunctioning on any shit day. Everything is fucked. It could be better but I sure as hell won't be able to contribute to that. Fucking, too much. Too much, too much, too much.

Introspection is cringe, I gotta go for all that external thought, gonna look at a banana and wonder what the fuck is up with that

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Sometimes I stop and think to myself; That's generally where my days start going downhill, so I really should get a hold of that.

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