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femboy with an axe. femboy with a scythe. femboy with an enormous machine gun

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What kind of lesbian are you?
Boost pls

Now that I'm here again I can post about snakes;

Snakes Are Cool

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I haven't been on for like, 2/3 of a year or something, huh? Guess that's something

“But under communism, we wouldn’t own anything!”

You’re still paying off the mortgage on your house, you needed a bank loan to get your car, and you’re paying a subscription to watch movies, listen to music, and use software.

You don’t own anything under capitalism anyway.

"humans are the disease" factoid actualy just ecofascist rhetoric. average person ruins 0 planets per year. Capitalism Georg, who lives in cave & ruins over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

ever remember how the night before the first day of the Black Panthers' free breakfast program in Chicago the cops broke into the church where they were keeping the food, smashed it on the floor, and pissed on it?

sometimes "bastard" feels way too mild, tbh

nsfw, isabelle, tentacles 

ever wonder what isabelle is up to during all those slow hours at work?

A thread of non-existent(?) but very horny and/or queer manga titles 

One Of These Days I'll Stop Swooning Over Every Girl I Meet, But that's Not Today

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LEWD! 😈 

Vivi enjoting some of that freshly summoned smell~

But it looks like that circle may have some integrity problems.

"reform the police" 

The city of Albuquerque has been a test case for police reform since the cops murdered James Boyd in 2014. The DOJ stepped in, fired many of the officers, and has forced the APD to submit to federal oversight and adopt new accountability policies for the past six years. None of it has worked.

Valente Acosta-Bustillos was killed 3 months ago.

Max Mitnik was killed 2 weeks ago.

Clifton White has spent all month in jail for protesting.

All this time we've remained one of the worst places in the country for police shootings. Nothing has changed. I hope you'll think of ABQ when people urge you to push for reforms and half measures instead of abolition.

bidet discourse 

there isn't any afaik i just wanted to say they're good

whenever it comes to identities you dont understand and you want to understand, its bad to come out of the gate with "this thing doesnt make any sense to me, how can you POSSIBLY be a he/him lesbian, he/him are MALE pronouns." because youre making it clear to whoever youre speaking to that youre coming not from a place of wanting to learn but instead from a place of reactionary confusion.

kill the part of your brain that gets defensive or frustrated when you learn about things that you find hard to understand

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