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lesbian take 

I'm sorry non-queer boys.

You do not get my consideration.

Lucked out and got a Commoddity slot for the first time in a while. Decided there isn't enough bat in the world. Asked him to fix that.


so called free thinkers when they see the boost button on this post

silly insult  

go eat a wild corndog

if you made podcasts illegal, all podcasts would be true crime

I went to mall and bought clothes at hot topic because I do what I want

There are two gays inside of me
One is gay
The other is gay
I am gay

kink idea 

robot girl who’s into physical bondage, and had herself put into a chassis with a locked BIOS and encryption chip to prevent her from being copied or transferred out to another physical unit


Hey atheists, if god isn't real, then why give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you? Checkmate 😎

Forget about those fancy "Gaming Chairs", a True Gamer uses kitchen chairs for all her gaming needs

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