

Threads defederating from pretty much all of queer fedi because it "violates their community guidelines" but only having "privacy policy" as the reason for defederation from gleasonator (with no mention of community norms) kind of illustrates what's going on there, doesn't it

re: threads 

@joepie91 hey i mean we didn't want them anyway did we

re: threads 

@kescher Oh sure. It's still darkly hilarious that Threads now probably has one of the longest defederation lists of the whole Fediverse, weird techbros complaining about defederation being 'exclusion' notwithstanding



I don’t generally give a shit about threads but they did *what,* now?

Defederated from instances solely because they were in some manner breaking their rules because they were “gay” sites?
(I don’t even know what that means, quite frankly, a gay site.)


@Pagan_Animist Officially, all it says is "violated community norms" in the defederation list. They don't *say* that it's because of queer content.

But the list sure is a who's who of queer instances, including those with quite strict moderation.



That’s just bullshit, as we know.

WTF could they possibly have against instances hosted by gays or gay friendly instances?

If that’s the case then all mods should put a warning on all of our instances.
“This instance contains material created by gays. Some posts are gay centered. Some posts consist of gay humor. If that bothers you, obviously we aren’t a good fit.”


@joepie91 im more surprised there are queer fedi instances that were federating with threads than them being defederated from threads side tbh but also

that sure sounds correct


@aimlessComposer I have no idea whether they actually were federating, to be honest. It's very possible that someone at Facebook just went through every instance they could find to judge its suitability, with no regard for federation status. That approach would make more sense in a corporate context than a reactive defederation approach.


@joepie91 actually that's super true and makes sense now that I think about it.

still absolutely wild at the end of the day

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