I don't know how anyone ever expected the 'linked web' to take off on the open web, with how dense and academically impenetrable all the resources around it are

And like, lots of the concepts behind it are great, and would genuinely be helpful to an open web! But you do actually need to *communicate* these things in a way that people can understand it

(And no, "leaving the communication and education to a bunch of data startups that do incredibly creepy things for even creepier customers and publish some scraps on a blog in the process" is not an acceptable implementation of that)

Quick! What's the difference between SPARQL 1.1 Protocol and SPARQL 1.1 Query Protocol? How does SPARQL 1.1 Update relate to it, and what role does an entailment regime play in it? What is SPARQL-Star and how is it different from RDF-Star or Turtle-Star?


(SPARQL is genuinely a lot nicer than SQL to work with, but you sure wouldn't know it from the absolute rat's nest of almost-but-not-quite-the-same specifications!)

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