
You know, if journalists had actually paid any attention at all to what marginalized folks have been saying for years, they could've immediately spotted how sketchy Post News is by how the founder keeps going on about "civility". Alas.

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politics, "civility" 

As a bit of context for those who are unfamiliar: "civility" is a tool of oppression. It doesn't consider whether any harm is done at all, only whether the (pretty much arbitrary) requirements of decorum and appearances are met.

In other words: it explicitly permits any harmful behaviour as long as it appears superficially polite and 'professional' enough. As long as it's plausibly deniable enough.

And it punishes those who speak out loudly or emotionally about being harmed, because that doesn't meet the standards of decorum.

It's a favourite staple of conservatives, as well as naive "reach across the aisle" centrists.

And when someone's view on moderation is all about "civility", also a pretty damn reliable signal that they *cannot* be trusted to protect vulnerable and marginalized folks.

politics, "civility" 


Was burned directly by a friend like this, several years back. I'm torn between wanting him to never arrive in this space and delighting at the prospect of how he'd be received. :P

re: politics, "civility" 

@joepie91 exactly. this is keeping legitimate political violence in the hands of a few privileged people!

@joepie91 those critiques didn't come from nowhere... "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Upton Sinclair "I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked"
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