not sure what the multiplayer situation is like but if I get a bit better it might be cool to play some fedi people?

@f0x yes!! cyberia folks have played aoe2 DE together before as a free for all with alliances allowed and it was a pretty fun way to play even if everyone has a different skill level. I have the old version that works via Voobly as well as the DE version from Steam

@forestjohnson nice! could be fun, I have the HD edition through steam


@f0x RIP

There’s no crossplay between AoE 2 HD and AoE 2 DE [...] Different netcode (HD works with P2P-Multiplayer while DE now works with with server based Multiplayer)

Well I think I might still have some steambux I could use to gift you DE, otherwise there's always the old one that can be had for free 😉

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