other than that, synapse-media-proxy seems to work well, nice and stable and memory use is pretty great too, even with all the thumbnailing.
Turns out most of the requests are thumbnails of media from other servers, which makes sense because that's how they appear in the timeline, only hitting /download when you click to see full res
@f0x Do you think the cache hit rate is low because the majority of requests are for never-before-seen content? or because of something else ?
Does the proxy shield your synapse from having to go and fetch thumbnails or images from other servers? i.e. the proxy "federates" with the other servers directly?
I already read the ReadMe and I was slightly confused, I think adding a diagram or definitions of the terms you are using would help.
@f0x ok I think get it, so there are two different kinds of cache-misses, the ones where it has to talk to your synapse (content that was posted on your server) aka "synapse" in your grafana dashboard.
Then there are the ones where it has to talk to other matrix servers (i'm assuming those are the ones labeled "remote" in your grafana dashboard).
So it looks like most of the time it's talking to remote servers, not yours -- "synapse" is only like 10% of requests. Isn't that a big win then? 90% bandwidth load reduction for the synapse server?
@forestjohnson actually yeah, that's a big difference hah, I should add a gauge for that :)
@forestjohnson https://stats.pixie.town/d/rPBvoh6Gk/synapse-media-proxy?orgId=1&refresh=15m
now there's a large happy number (and a cache hit ratio that dropped even lower :') )
@f0x It might be illuminating to collect a metric for "cache misses caused by previous cache evictions". You would just have to store the cache keys for longer than the actual cache entries, or something.
@f0x 90% load reduction sounds a lot cooler than 26.4% load reduction. Gotta look on the bright side lol