:boosts_ok_gay: Hey! I'm looking for design feedback on current fediverse clients, both web, mobile and desktop.

What decisions do you like? What do you dislike? What new features would you like to see?

And for Mastodon Web specifically: do you prefer the single-column or multi-column (advanced mode) layout? Why?

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boosts_ok_gay:

@f0x i use the mastodon web multicolumn layout on desktop and brutaldon on my phone.

I like multicolumn because I can have multiple pieces of context on screen while I compose a reply (e.g. a post and another thread they refer to in that post).

On my phone the (nearly) static page nature of brutaldon seems to deal more nicely with unreliable connections than a constantly refreshing single page.


@Vierkantor hm bit confused about the second paragraph, would you have one toot visible in the home tl and the other in the right-most pop-out view column?

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