
I really hate how society has infected my mind to believe you can only be productive if you wake up early. Most days now I won't be up till 1400, and I feel those thoughts really break my already brittle discipline

For all the responses this got:
No matter your sleeping habits or ""productivity"" levels: YOU ARE VALID

@f0x I've noticed this tends to be a thing in Northern European society, but is surely a hangover from pre-electricity days when especially during winter it made sense to make use of daylight, with a bit of religion thrown in (starting they day with a prayer before "breaking fast").

But we live in the 21st century where people who get up and work later are also needed especially to keep services running that are expected to be available 24/7...

@f0x big huge irritating mood

my natural sleep cycle is more like 2/3am - 10/11am but here i am, waking up at 7:30-8 and being absolutely useless until the afternoon

@Foks also feeling productive at night, but due to dayjob i need to balance a bit. That usually means a shortbnap between 20:00 - 22:00 and i can go on til 3:00 take another nap and go to work.

@f0x I'm a night owl too. I used to have jobs with shifts and was more than happy to take the night shifts. Paid better too. 😎
Everybody has their own rhythm. The only reason that there are mostly 9-5 jobs is conservatism and lack of imagination or trust. 👎

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