Help I made another little tail bronx OC

I'd doodle her but it's way too warm to even think rn

@Okesska So my idea is a golden collie caninu by the name of Elise Banket. She's a robot mechanic who uses her finances to support her ex-relic hunter mother. She inherited her mom's robot, a old Faust model from the days of the Incantation Wars that's been restored and customized with secondhand parts and some of the relics she found during her adventures.

Design-wise I haven't thought too hard about it yet, I was thinking something based on the coveralls the labourers in the Shepherd Republic wear, but with the top undone and the jacket tied around her waist, so she's just got a white tanktop and the gloves on, and she probably has her hair in a ponytail

@elfi that sounds really cool!!! i love collies and that design sounds really neat

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