@Okesska So my idea is a golden collie caninu by the name of Elise Banket. She's a robot mechanic who uses her finances to support her ex-relic hunter mother. She inherited her mom's robot, a old Faust model from the days of the Incantation Wars that's been restored and customized with secondhand parts and some of the relics she found during her adventures.
Design-wise I haven't thought too hard about it yet, I was thinking something based on the coveralls the labourers in the Shepherd Republic wear, but with the top undone and the jacket tied around her waist, so she's just got a white tanktop and the gloves on, and she probably has her hair in a ponytail
...heck with it, LTB world spoilers (not directly relevant to Solatorobo's story tho)
@Okesska So Elise's mom was a hardcore, hotshot, chewbone-munching relic hunter that came from Northern Prairie! In the course of her digs, she encountered a sleeping guardian of a relic site, a wolf tribe caninu with his own robot, and they fought. She won and plundered the site, but she helped him adjust to the modern world, and they ended up dating for a time until he vanished one day to look for his people. At that point, he was the only guy who didn't balk at her chewbone habit and still flaked out, so she decided she'd stick to dating other women, but she had to stop and settle down anyway because she had Elise.
This wolf heritage in Elise and the augmentations to her robot led to her having a trance-like werewolf state when under extreme stress, and her Faust sympathetically enters a high-performance mode that she can channel her wolf magic through
@elfi that sounds really cool!!! i love collies and that design sounds really neat
@Okesska eeee c: thank you
@Okesska There are a few other elements to her backstory, but they reference vaguely spoilery elements of the LTB world so idk if you'd be interested in that o: