If I'm going to get back into #gamedev for real I'm probably going to need a more full-featured code editor than pluma... Any recommendations?
@elfi depending on what exactly you're doing, visual studio might be good
i've been using it with monogame, which is mildly annoying to get started (the only way i know of to get a monogame template w/ the latest version of it is to run an obscure command i found in a forum thread)
when you're using like a bunch of libraries, it can be a pain to get them set up b/c there's a lot of fussing around with like include paths and stuff
also it's only windows i'm p sure
the main thing i like about it is that it's the easiest way to debug things, for me at least. like, better software exists probably, but it's either harder to learn or costs money
@elfi ohhh wait i think i misunderstood what you meant lol
yeah vscode is pretty okay too, i have yet to find just a plain text editor that i'm really happy with though
they're always either too ugly, too sparse on features, or have enough overhead where i feel like i might as well be using a bloated ide