@Hylyx Questions about solar power, yeah? Do you feel up to explaining it in a few sentences for a noob who knows close to nothing about it but would like to understand it a little? That would be nice. :3

@wirehead iii'm not sure wht you mean by explaining it but happy to answer qpestions!


@Hylyx complete beginner questions like how does that roughly work even? so i have photons hitting.. what kinda surface? and what happens then? thanks :3

@wirehead afaik solar panels are like giant reverse LEDs! So a a photon hits a exciteable chunk of silicon and it produces an electron. (somehow?) the electron charges all flow in the same direction and make their way into a wire on the panel, which you attach to chargers/batteries or whatever

@Hylyx fancy o.o

so I'll now print a picture of an LED with inverted colors and attach wires to it, that'll work, right? (scnr)

solar power is pretty cool.

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