#introduction #newaccount

Gen-Xer born in #Mexico; since kid I was a #computer #nerd and liked #anime and #scifi, so it was logical I'd eventually discover the #cyberpunk genre (#ghostintheshell, #akira, #neuromancer, #bubblegumcrisis, #parasitedolls, #lain...)

Aside from that I've done #opensource and #freesoftware; have gnu/#Linux on my PC and recently I discovered #decentralization.

Currently #amwriting a scifi novel about #AI and #androids and it's my life's dream to get it published!

(Also I've been recently exploring my sexuality and it turns out I'm trans :transgender: ; specifically, nonbinary :nonbinary: and probably genderfluid :QueerCat_Genderfluid: ; it's... complicated.

Perhaps another way to explain this is that I have a "femsona" and I feel more comfortable wearing her than my male-self when talking to my close friends.

BTW, I don't know if I'll get to be comfortable with using "she/her", so it's "they/them" for now.)


@yuki Welcome! I'm also trans and nonbinary and it's complicated. :)

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And I couldn't help saying "HAH!" and pointing at your avatar; Lain is a favorite of mine; I tend to identify with her a lot recently due to my neurodivergence.

@yuki My name is Lain, too, actually. But I use they/them or he/him.

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