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White people, it's your job to collect white people at a march for Black people. NBPOC- it's your job to collect NBPOC at a march for Black people. "Don't police other people's-" nuh uh. Black people have asked you how to behave at their marches. If you don't like it, get the fuck out the march. Your focus is protecting Black people at the fucking march about *protecting Black lives*


*kicks open doors* trans afab and trans amab solidarity motherfuckers


All this rioting is making me remember that in November, nothing is more important that getting Donald Trump out of offahhahahahahhahahaha oh my god could you imagine? anyways burn some cop cars out there folks a better world is possible

racism, violence 

cost of replacing a window under capitalism: like $400

cost of replacing a human life under any economic system: uncountable

if my background in math was worth anything it was knowing damn well that monetarily speaking the rioters have lost more than the capitalists ever could

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racism, violence 

funny how when white people show up with guns it's a peaceful protest but when black people break like two windows it's a riot

nerding out over spacex/nasa 

didn't know the us was launching a manned mission today until it was already scrubbed
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

im a gay baby prison abolitionist no human being belongs in gay baby jail

boy I sure do love when people make sweeping generalizations about the South being nothing but ignorant hicks as opposed to a population being held in effective serfdom by corrupt, vicious autocrats

transfemme HRT, injections 

Open question: How do I go about getting E injections? Planned Parenthood has never offered me anything but pills and I want my HRT to do things besides disappoint me.

to the person reading this snoot: I hope you have (or had!) a wonderful day. if not, I'm sorry, and I hope tomorrow is better. I support you! 💖

america i present you two options

a) adopt the metric system
b) go full in on the imperial system and start using shit like leagues and furlongs and drachms and scruples and slugs and roods and all that shit because i personally would find it funny

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why is it so difficult to get out of bed i don't understand

covid adjacent 

april fools is cancelled due to us all having been clowned on

is punk inherently political

(boosts good to get more accurate poll results)

Hanging out at my girlfriend's place*

* - it's actually my place too

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