Nepeta is called that because she is related to the New Economic Policy of the early Soviet Union. The NEPmen were businesspeople who were allowed to exist during Lenin's government, they were allowed to do private trade and took part in a form of small-scale capitalism.
Nepeta, along with the rest of the NEPmen, was "disappeared" after Stalin's rise to power.
finding music in 2024
after arriving home from work, you log on to an Internet chatroom run by your friend, Rose. you and some other punks use the Internet to keep in touch from great distances, and it has largely supplanted the art of letter-writing.
your friend, Aiden, is on-line right now; you recognize his user name, "killthestate69." he's sharing a website created by his roommate where a handful of local bands have their music for sale. you recognize one name, Lily Crystal. you're proud to say that you own her latest album, Nixon & The Great Satan, on cassette tape, which you ordered through the mail. you don't have a cassette player in your car, but you're fortunate enough that your stereo at home has one. nothing good is ever on the radio, you only ever buy directly from the artist these days.
"I totally adore N&TGS," you fawn. "it's really goof," you mistype. "goof," Aiden mocks you. "goof," Rose mocks you. "goof," Cynder mocks you. "goof," "ironmansballsweat" mocks you.
kids show villains say shit like "I've had ENOUGH of you HUMANS with your HEELYS and your EMPATHY and your MICROSOFT SQL MANAGEMENT OBJECTS, I am SICK OF IT ALL" but then they get a single morsel of xe/xyr bussy and are all like "wooah... you can eat just the cream of an oreo? you don't have to eat the cookie part?? 🥺"
Old England is even sillier though. you tell someone you're from Saint-Cunksbury-by-the-Sea, but it's basically Bungsmouth, and the other person you're speaking to nods sagely. "why of course I know Bungsmouth," they say, "my uncle Reginald moved there after he left Cockcester"
I love New England town names. why yes, I'll be going to that show in Milfsborough next weekend. in fact, just this last Saturday I went to Dudehampton to visit Soggy Bottoms State Park. I heard Keith went to the marsh at Cumpton Downs this last weekend as well, but had to get an Uber back from North Fuckbridge because he missed the last train
22, end of a european colonizer bloodline on stolen Wichita land.
Profile picture is tucker carlson, used without permission. Banner is a gradient of bisexual light decorated with a bottle of Nyquil and the text "whoa hey bisexual light this person must be really gay."