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Life on Venus 

Because the headlines will be full of the above content warning, most likely, in the coming days, here a few headups.

What was discovered is Phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus.

We don't have a mechanism to create it outside of protein catalusts (life), so it suggests life being present on Venus.

Also it is rather unstable.

Though, it only /suggests/ life and needs further studying and will likely spike interest in Venus missions.

is it 4am my time? maybe. am I awake? maybe. what matters is not what time we give ourselves but what we do with the time given to us. and rn I am pining


As of Game 79, Yosh Carpenter of the Lovers has pitched 5 walks in their 16 games (139 IP), good for an average of 83.4 batters per walk.

The most hilarious and scientifically plausible interpretation of the "pain box" from Dune is that it's a microwave oven with no door.

If you're wondering why the US has Labor Day so far away from International Worker's Day, it's because it's a placating gesture from capitalists rather than honoring the socialists and anarchists who fought for an 8 hour work day.

Go read up on the Haymarket Affair.
Stonewall was a riot, but Haymarket was a blast.


birdsite claims trump *hates* veterans. disappointed. mostly cause i actually agree with him on this one.

which has better energy yep or yup

"skate fast, eat ass, smoke grass" is just zoomer for "live, love, laugh"


the dems really do want to lose the election huh

drunk tooting again i dont have a problem 

gonna start fucking around and wearing a boot on my head in every situation where I need to be taken seriously

it’s not a radical position to say that the democratic party is effectively useless and ought to be abandoned by anyone with a conscience


games are *far* too political nowadays with all this forced dog representation

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spent the last 57 hours playing as a dog in my favorite video game legend of Zelda: Zelda's the green dude right?

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