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transphobic slur, Mr. Beast 

Holy shit, they made a Mr. Beast about me! Mr. Beast please give me money.

cop named mark nazi 

this would be rejected by every single editor as too on the nose

loss.jpg, police violence, us politics, cad-typical bad art, just plain incomprehensible 

forget the alamo 💀

US war crimes in iraq 

wait. joke cancelled. they straight up tortured people with metallica.

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medical, food, shitpost, terrible 

My corn dog should probably see a doctor. That looks malignant.

emoji spam 

:kissinger: Just bought 200K shares of $ENE for 4 BTC, hodling like my life depends on it💪💪💪💪💪💪 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 @ElonMusk


baby battle has reached a truce so they can come together against a common enemy:

homestuck, meta i guess 

"how did you tell your friends" - dave strider

shitposting abt a horrific environmental disaster caused by willful neglect of american rail infrastructure and hideous working conditions, terrible post bestie please take your meds 

It is raining hydrochloric acid, phosgene, and vinyl chloride in ohio and will probably do so in trace amounts over much of the midwest after a norfolk southern train derailed outside of the inauspiciously named town of east palestine. remember, folks, phosgene smells like freshly cut grass, so if you smell your neighbor mowing the lawn, might be a good idea to put on a gas mask. also this could have been avoided if norfolk southern hadn't put off long overdue maintenance on obsolete rolling stock and overworked crews nearly to the point of death with "precision scheduled railroading". haven't read anything about it, don't know the story or live near the area, don't know anything about railroading save that it goes choo choo, just a prediction. at least the town wasn't named east bagdhad because then george w bush would have instinctively ordered the texas national guard to bomb ohio (which he can do at any time, by the way, it's in the state constitution). thoughts and prayers to all those who have to live in the midwest :garfield:

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