
plural joke, long, abuse ment 

Since it's tax season in the US, here's this, for plurals who wish they could claim their syskids as dependents or think their in-house relationships should allow them to file jointly.

Form 1040-MPD
Certain deductions are available for those who qualify as multiple in the current tax year. Deductions will reduce your taxable income or increase your refund even if it exceeds your income. To qualify, you must pass the following screening test.

1. Singlets with mood swings do not qualify, even if you have been accused of multiplicity. Systems with coocurring mood swings should complete form 1098-BPD and attach it to their form 1040.

2. You qualify if you agree that you are plural, even if some of you do not admit it, or if some of you agree but others do not but would admit it if they did, or all of you agree to disagree. If you understand this statement, you automatically qualify and may proceed.


____Claim the number of dependents in your system here.

____Stand back and let the independents claim themselves here.

____Total: Add this number to the total exemption in form 1040.


____Enter all the costs of therapy sessions, including transportation, bandaids, each members' wardrobes, cost of therapy and value of your time in training your therapist.

____Check here if you would like these expenses deducted from your income and added to the income of your perpetrator(s).

____Check here if you think the perpetrator(s) should be audited by the IRS. If it turns out they owe additional funds to the IRS, where should we send you the check?

____Add five cents deduction for every time you have heard or read "syscourse" this year.

____TOTAL: Subtract this amount from the income portion of your form 1040.

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