
scary horny posters 

Accounts that are purely horny posting and have purely replies to small akkoma, pleroma, misskey, etc servers are scary as fuck. All I know about you from that is that you are horny and you have no discretion in who you interact with... or worse, you're actually friends with those people. Either way, that is the most common kind of follow request I get on this account and I think it is creepy as fuck. I'm not on the public hornyposting group chats for a good fucking reason, and it is that shit. Usually an unapolagetic channer or some other shithead is only one connection away. I get that personal stuff isn't necessarily jerk-off material, but I want to be able to feel safe at a minimum...

Oh! And these people never read my boundaries posts or bio either. Just feel entitled to nudes I guess?

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