
New largest prime number!

"The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) has discovered the largest known prime number, 2136,279,841-1, having 41,024,320 decimal digits. Luke Durant, from San Jose, California, found the prime on October 12th...
The new prime number, also known as M136279841, is calculated by multiplying together 136,279,841 twos, and then subtracting 1. It is over 16 million digits larger than the previous record prime number, in a special class of extremely rare prime numbers known as Mersenne primes...
Luke Durant, a 36 year-old researcher and former NVIDIA employee, also understands the power of the GPUs he helped design. Luke decided that finding a new Mersenne prime would be a great demonstration that GPUs can be used for more than AI. GPUs are well suited to fundamental math and science research as well."

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