the previous time we got a complaint about this, we called the leasing office and explained that we knew the complaints came from the terf down the street who harasses us and harasses the black children who dare play outside or visit our porch, and that we've had at least our pride flags up for five years without issue. they said they would back off as long as the blinds were still attached, which they are.

in response to the terf, we put up the anarchy flag, which is actually not in violation of the lease because the lease only cares about flags on the unit itself. we clarified this specifically with the leasing office last time, and notice that this threat only mentions three flags, not four.

im going to call the office and see what we can work out. anarchy flag will be staying up no matter what, and if i cant keep them in the windows? ill just make more flagpoles for the porch swing :palestine_heart: :nonbinary_heart: :trans_heart:

i think what im gonna do for now is rotate out which flag is on the flagpole every morning.

ill use a random list picker every morning. the options:

progress pride


@rachaelspooky changing of the flag ceremony with a fucking bugle and crap lol

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