
anarchism, and the foreign 

As an anarchist, if your argument is going to amount to "it is bad because it is foreign" am I inclined to believe that your internalized nationalist biases are relabeling a local issue to mark it as evil. Since in a nationalist framework, evil is always foreign, or composed of foreigners. So I am really disappointed when others resort to such shallow analysis, overlooking evil in their own backyard because it casts a shadow elsewhere.

To be clear: I'm not just talking about whatever the media currently considers foreign. I think the word itself as a political tool is only ever going to backfire if we want a world without borders. A world without exoticized and mythologized outsiders causing the problems instead of anything material and actionable. That kind of world is strategically incompatible with a better world to come. It is a world of chasing our own tails. What is foreign and the foreigner except people who will not be separated from us by walls should we get the chance to overturn things? How meaningless is that distinction, then? How nasty and counterproductive is it's connotation? Never worth invoking.

· Edited · · Tusky · 0 · 1 · 2
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