
mutual-aid, begging, fundraising 

Hey so our polycule has moved and is settled, but we just had all of our money wiped out by rent coming due. There's three of us in a single-bedroom apartment and we have to get money for basic needs like meals until we are back on our feet and no longer in debt. Oh yeah, my wife is a few hundred dollars in debt from the move, by the way.

Had to spend money on getting a new computer (our laptops were all stolen) and all the bullshit of getting started in a new city/state after getting the fuck out of Texas which wiped us out even before the landlord's payment system decided to fuck us over with extra fees.

I was taking monthly donations via liberapay before, but now I've also setup kofi as well. All money goes towards groceries and then paying our debts so we can get off to a new start here. Thank you so much for sharing.

donation links:


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