US Pol - Snark 

Normalize saying, "Punch Joe Biden in his smug fucking face."

US Pol - Snark 

I don't need this "dirtbag Left" shit where I have to crib RWing memes and catchphrases and hang out in the other space all day long playing Whack-A-Mole with fucking Liberals. I can create my own things. :P

US Pol - Snark 

Revive the old-timey tradition of beating up Senators at work and start with that fucking piece of shit Manchin.

(Assuming the fucker ever reports in to work. lol.)

US Pol - Snark 

lol. Some genius just called me Fascist and told me "Go back to Twitter!" from behind a block. So brave.

Buddy, Biden doesn't love you. Biden has never loved anyone but himself and other rich toads. This includes the GOP rich toads, BTW.

For fuck's sake, grow up.

US Pol - Snark, Covid 

If it's okay for my co-workers and 75% of the general public to breathe in my face all day without masking, because of Joe Biden the Lifelong Shitfuck, I think it's perfectly okay for me to fantasize about punching him in the face.

If you don't like that, mute, block, eat shit, whatever. I don't care. You're just a useless pathetic bootlicker who'd probably breathe unmasked in my face, too.

US Pol - Snark, Covid 

Yelling, "BIDEN'S AMERICA!" every time some shithead coughs on me and doesn't even pretend to be sorry about it. 🎪

US Pol - Snark, Subtoot 

P.S. - I need a better reason to vote for someone than, "They just twiddle their thumbs while the bodies pile up. They don't do the murders with their own two hands."

Letting proxies step in for you so your own hands can stay *officially* clean =/= you being a good pol, or party.

🙄 In the same vein (or muscle) supporting a system which charges hundreds of dollars for a single dose of vaccine to enrich private corporations doesn't make you "pro vax."

US Pol - Snark, Subtoot 

People who keep saying "You can beg your bigoted relatives to vote for the Good, Decent Blue Pol" are losing the plot, IMHO. All my relatives already vote for those pols. I really don't see those pols trying to do much of anything concrete to combat bigotry, unless wearing a rainbow pin while slobbering over cops counts as "doing something."


extreme sarcasm re: US Pol - Snark, Subtoot 

@xenophora but they are gonna protect and serve everyone into the equal-est and most protected and served beautiful civil society you could imagine though! With unicorns and pride flags and rainbows! This man will help you just like he helps me!

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extreme sarcasm re: US Pol - Snark, Subtoot 


I think Philly inherited the horrible Police Chief Portland was saddled with during Trump Ch. 1. [groan] I'm so sorry. I swear, none of that was my idea.

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