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I just learned that Super Tux Party is a thing. Alpha stage, but still, this is awesome.

Reddit, bots 

Now the bots are questioning their own simulated subreddit

semi-regular reminder: the #Firefox (also Chrome, if you must) add-on Bypass Paywalls lets you easily get past the article-hiding nag screens on numerous major media websites, even that jerk-ass WSJ

both mozilla and google rudely delisted it from their add-on sites so you have to get it from the author's github:

The kids' halloween costumes at the town event were like...

30% Elsa
15% Spiderman
40% other Disney-owned characters
10% Pokemon or other Nintendo
5% not a licensed intellectual property

(me and my daughter were in the "other disney-owned characters" category since we were Pixar characters)

where is the future of culture supposed to come from when the universe of kids' imaginations has already been collected and circumscribed under a single corporate copyright holder?

Oh, I got to visit the Soviet Arcade machine museum. I missed one in Moscow, but thankfully we got to go in Spb and it was a lot of fun. It also had one of the most frustrating pinball machines ever, I don't think any of us managed a game longer than uhhh 5 seconds?

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I would like to present one incredible Y2K aesthetic I witnessed at HARD-OFF today, I was in awe

Idea: A clock that takes the time of daylight and divides it up into twelve sections, let's call them "bells", and they are shorter in winter and longer in summer. In the night, same idea, let's call them "watches" and they are longer in winter, shorter in summer.

Trains and timed meds and stuff would still need to run on UTC, but imagine being able to organise your day to the length of daylight/darkness.

Most people would still need different routines in winter and summer but this is a feature, not a bug.

If you think of better names for the bells and watches then let me know, I'm borrowing from nautical terminology here.

Also does anyone want to program this? Even as a website where I could input my location by city, it would be super useful. Even going strictly by sunrise/sunset and ignoring concepts like dusk, it would be helpful.

Brain: just prototype yourself with good ol' windows media player visualizations

Me: I totally would bro.. I would.

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It's intersex awareness day muahaha i'mma gonna win!

i got the copyleft symbol tattooed perfectly over my asshole

IGM mention, autonomy 

Here is a good talk by an intersex person on childhood intersex gender assignment surgeries, which are almost never medically needed, and often very harmful.

Here is another good video on the subject, by someone who had IGM performed on them as an infant, before they could consent: Being born intersex is about as common as being born a redhead.

"We need society, the medical field, and intersex communities themselves to acknowledge that nature provides humanity with a wide range of forms, so that all of our bodies can be recognized as valid. Unless there is an actual rare functional problem, our bodies should not be altered in infancy, and only those functional problems should be addressed. Our genitals should be altered only if we ourselves request it, to make ourselves comfortable in our own skin, not to make society comfortable by our medical erasure. Society must come again to embrace the diversity that is nature's gift to us." -

All children deserve to be protected from genital cutting without consent, whether they are male, female, or intersex. Autonomy over your own body is a human right.

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PSA: FOSS maps on yr phone 


it's Good

and you can make useful contributions to openstreetmaps with minimal effort using StreetComplete

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.