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Tired of being asked to fix peoples’ computers? Usagi is here to help.

10cm vinyl sticker now available in my shop:

windows user: haha lol linux nerds gotta use the command line for everything

also windows user, on new control panel > network settings > old control panel > adapter settings > right click on interface > properties > drivers > ipv4 > properties to set a static IP address: this is okay, actually

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Last weekend to get your WINAMP pin. Kickstarter ends on Monday (and I'll finally stop yelling about it, i promise)

So for people who don't want to give KS money (or can't, some people dont have access to it), I've opened pre-orders for pins in my shop! These won't come with the free stretchgoal stickers, but other than that, same thing:


1. If at all possible, do not use the computer

bears(the animal) 

This happened earlier apparently. This isn't a good place to have a dog with an overstimulated chase instinct, but, luckily nothing happened.

The most important lesson we can learn from Ghost in the Shell is to turn off your unused interfaces.

There's no reason to accept unexpected ad-hoc radio connections, parse every piece of barcode encoded data on your field of vision or process every audio data burst within earshot. That will get your cyberbrain hijacked.

An organized cyborg is a safe cyborg.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.