
IGM, "She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention"

"Doctors have been imposing their assumptions on heteronormativity and what a child should look like, and intersex bodies, for decades. There are still people who practice outdated medicine and the only way to protect children from these people, who through culture or ignorance or hubris, are doing these things, is to actually put something in writing in the court of law."

Everyone deserves autonomy over their own body, infants can't consent to genital surgery.

"We need society, the medical field, and intersex communities themselves to acknowledge that nature provides humanity with a wide range of forms, so that all of our bodies can be recognized as valid. Unless there is an actual rare functional problem, our bodies should not be altered in infancy, and only those functional problems should be addressed. Our genitals should be altered only if we ourselves request it, to make ourselves comfortable in our own skin, not to make society comfortable by our medical erasure. Society must come again to embrace the diversity that is nature's gift to us." - Dr. Cary Gabriel Costello

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